Please fill out this form if you would like to be involved in planning the next EJS symposium. Our committee meets ~once a month and bi-weekly leading up to the event in the Spring Semester. First Name * Last Name * Email Address * If you're a member of the Yale community, please use your Yale email address. University/Company/Organization * Title/Position * - Select -PhD Student/CandidatePostdocMasters StudentProfessional StudentUndergraduate StudentStaff MemberFaculty Member In which EJS position are you most interested? * - Select -Co-ChairTreasurerAdvertising ChairFaculty LiaisonPanel or Talk CoordinatorVolunteer ChairHead of WebsiteOther Potential Positions include: Treasurer, Advertising Chair, Faculty Liaison, Panel or Talk Coordinator, Volunteer Chair, Head of Website If you selected "Other," please describe what other EJS position you're considering. You can check out past If you have any questions about EJS positions, please ask it here. You can also email directly! CAPTCHAThis question is for testing whether or not you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions.